White Rim Overlook Trail

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"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press


Trip 8 - White Rim Overlook Trail

Distance:                 1.8 miles round trip

Elevation Change:    6100/6270 feet

Suited For:               Walk

Difficulty:                Easy

Hazards:                  Steep drop-offs at the trail's end; no shade or water

Introduction:    The Island in the Sky is famous for its far-ranging vistas, an hikers need not trek any great distance from the mesa-top roadway to enjoy them.  The White Rim Overlook provides perhaps the finest view in the Island District of the 2000-foot-deep canyon of the Colorado River, and distant, awe-inspiring panoramas of Utah's rugged canyon-and-mesa country.

June 13, 2003

This was my favorite walk so far due to the beautiful foliage and the absolute silence at the end of the trail overlooking the scenery.  I haven't experienced this level of silence since I decided to go for a hike across the tundra up near the Arctic Ocean in the Northwest Territories.

Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):

These are low res pictures.  I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them


Trailhead Sign

The Trail

The View

Another view