"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press
Trip 2 - Neck Spring Loop Trail Distance: 5.3 miles, loop trip Elevation Change: 5520/5960 feet Suited For: Dayhike Difficulty: Moderate Hazards: Steep drop-offs, little shade Introduction: This is a fine dayhike, surveying much of the varied scenery and environments found on and near the Island mesa landscape, but far-reaching views help to put the Island into perspective in the larger scheme of Canyonlands. The hike also allows a glimpse into the bygone days of cattle and sheep ranching on the mesa, when the trickling waters of Neck and Cabin Springs offered some of the few watering sources for grazing stock. June 16, 2003 Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size): These are low res pictures. I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them