"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press
Trip 5 - Murphy Point Trail Distance: 3.8 miles round trip Elevation Change: 6080/6160 feet Suited For: Dayhike Difficulty: Easy Hazards: Steep Drop-offs at the trail's end; little shade; point subject to lightning strikes Introduction: This view-filled jaunt offers some of the finest views of the Green River and The Maze country obtainable from any vista point in the Park. It is a pleasant jaunt, but the end of the route is obscure and sometimes uncairned as it crosses slickrock to a commanding viewpoint on the rim of Murphy point. Nevertheless, the route is straightforward, and almost any hiker will enjoy this partly trail less jaunt. July 3, 2003 Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size): These are low res pictures. I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them