Aztec Butte Trail

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"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press


Trip 10 - Grand View Trail

Distance:                 1.9 miles round trip

Elevation Change:    6050/6298 feet

Suited For:               Walk

Difficulty:                Moderately Easy

Hazards:                  Short but steep slickrock scramble near the trail's end

Introduction:    Aztec Butte is one of the more prominent Navajo Sandstone domes on the Island, and the short scenic jaunt to its nearly flat summit reaches an all-encompassing panorama.  The trail also leads past a few Ancestral Peubloan granaries, offering glimpses into a long-since vanished culture that thrived in the region hundreds of years ago. 

June 16, 2003

Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):

These are low res pictures.  I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them


Trail Sign

The summit

View from the summit

View from the summit