Tower Arch Trail

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"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press


Trip 19 - Tower Arch Trail

Distance:                 3.4 miles, round trip

Elevation Change:    5120/5220 feet

Suited For:               Dayhike

Difficulty:                Moderate

Hazards:                  No water, little shade

Introduction:    The jumble of white-capped redrock fins and towers known as the Klondike Buffs, rising above the desert floor east of U.S. Highway 191, are the first exciting features visitors can view enroute to Arches National Park from the North.  This remote area, in the far northwest corner of the park, is a miniature version of Devils Garden and, when "discovered" by a miner in 1922, the Klondike Bluffs were in fact dubbed Devils Garden.  Later, that name was applied to the area on the opposite side of Salt Valley, and the bluffs take their name from the cold and windy winter conditions in the region.  This fine half-day hike leads to outstanding Tower Arch, and hikers should enjoy considerable solitude compared to the situation on most other park trails.  This is an ideal area in which to spend a day or more exploring hidden canyons and searching for arches. 

June 5, 2003

This was the best hike of the park for me because the temperature had dropped by 10 degrees or so and there was a nice peaceful alcove inside the arch for reading.

Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):

These are low res pictures.  I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them

Trailhead Sign