"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press
Trip 1 - Park Avenue Distance: 0.9 miles one way Elevation Change: 4240/4560 feet Suited For: Walk Difficulty: Easy Hazards: Negligible Introduction: An easy downhill stroll in a high desert canyon, the Park Avenue Trail leads the hiker among towering slickrock cliffs and stony battlements, nature's counterpart to a city street between lofty skyscrapers. This trip offers a fine introduction to the great monoliths of the Courthouse Towers, plus views of long-ruined arches an of one of the youngest arches visible from any trail in the park. June 3, 2003 Coincidently, this first hike of Utah is the occurs on the anniversary of the the first hike to make it into this collection while I was working in California. This is a fantastic first hike in the park because of the spectacular views. It also prepares you for the major ass-kicking you will receive on future hikes due to the extreme heat and relentless sun. This was the first time I have actually felt the heat radiate through the soles of my hiking boots. I typically don't drink much water and infrequently at best; I came prepared the next day with all the water I could fit into my lunch cooler. Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size): These are low res pictures. I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them