"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press
Trip 16 - Devils Garden Trail Distance: 7.2 miles loop trail Elevation Change: 5180/5530 feet Suited For: Dayhike Difficulty: Easy to moderate Hazards: No water; little shade; steep drop-offs; some scrambling over slick rock required beyond Landscape Arch and on primitive loop trail. Introduction: Devils Garden is one of the most heavily used area in Arches, and the reasons soon become apparent after you leave the trailhead. The area is a wonderland of standing rocks, views are far-reaching and panoramic, the first mile of the trail is wide and graveled, and most of all, there are more readily observed arches in Devils garden (at least nine) than in any other area of the park. But despite the heavy use, this is one hike no one should miss. the so-called primitive trail offers hikers the chance to see more of Devils Garden, including Fin Canyon, and offers a modicum of solitude for only a little extra effort. the primitive trail does require some steep slickrock scrambling, and should bye attempted only by experienced hikers. The trail beyond landscape arch to Double O Arch and Dark Angel is also considered a "primitive" trail and, although it crosses slickrock as well, it is easily negotiated by novice hikers. June 3, 2003 This was definitely the best hike of the park so far and I don't have much to add except that this one kicked my ass as well thanks to the incredible heat. There was a great little gem found in the Navajo Arch. It is shaded like a little cave with some very interesting looking trees and I had a great little nap until it was discovered by some other tourists who would not shut up. I had a good laugh when a group of three late-forties "hikers" decided to try their luck on the primitive trail. The blocked up one trail pass for over 20 minutes as they scooched down the "cliff" on their buttocks one inch at a time. When they finally left, I walked across the same pass in less than a minute. Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size): These are low res pictures. I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them