Balanced Rock Trail

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"Utah's National Parks" by Ron Adkinson and published by Wilderness Press


Trip 4 - Balanced Rock Trail

Distance:                 0.3 miles semi-loop trail

Elevation Change:    5030/5055 feet

Suited For:               Walk

Difficulty:                Easy

Hazards:                  Negligible

Introduction:    Guarding the approach to the scenic Windows Section of the Park are three redrock monoliths jutting above a gentle highland.  The most famous and distinctive of these pinnacles is Balanced Rock.  Determining scale in such a setting is often difficult, but the rock itself, seemingly in defiance of gravity, rises 55 feet above a pedestal that itself rises 73 feet above ground level.  Composed of the erosion resistant Slick Rock member of the Entrada's Dewy Bridge member.

This pleasant stroll not only offers a close up view of Balanced Rock, but also yields far-reaching vistas of distant mountains, colorful cliffs, and wooded mesas. 

June 3, 2003

Nothing to add here except that it a pretty interesting rock and experienced one of the rare occasions where I actually wished I was in the snow capped mountains.  Did I mention that it's hot here?

Here's the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):

These are low res pictures.  I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them

Trailhead Sign

The Rock

The View from the Rock

Another view from the Rock

(As I long for the distant snow)